Proteins - Common Diseases Report

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Institute for Computational Biomedicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University


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 +  IPI00022389 - C-reactive protein precursor . CRP (8 diseases found)
 +  IPI00007244 - Myeloperoxidase precursor EC MPO . MPO (5 diseases found)
 +  IPI00153049 - matrix-remodelling associated 8 MXRA8 (5 diseases found)
 +  IPI00219131 - ICOS ligand precursor B7 homolog 2 B7-H2 B7-like protein Gl50 B7-related protein 1 B7RP-1 CD275 antigen . ICOSLG (5 diseases found)
 +  IPI00236554 - Myeloperoxidase precursor EC MPO . MPO (5 diseases found)
 +  IPI00293276 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor EC MIF Phenylpyruvate tautomerase Glycosylation-inhibiting factor GIF . MIF (5 diseases found)
 +  IPI00000045 - Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein precursor IL-1ra IRAP IL1 inhibitor IL-1RN ICIL-1RA . IL1RN (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00008494 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 precursor ICAM-1 Major group rhinovirus receptor CD54 antigen . ICAM1 (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00009856 - Protein Plunc precursor Palate lung and nasal epithelium clone protein Lung-specific protein X Nasopharyngeal carcinoma-related protein Tracheal epithelium-enriched protein Secretory protein in upper respiratory tracts Von Ebner protein Hl . (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00027409 - Myeloblastin precursor EC Leukocyte proteinase 3 PR-3 PR3 AGP7 Wegener autoantigen P29 C-ANCA antigen Neutrophil proteinase 4 NP-4 . PRTN3 (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00029739 - Complement factor H precursor H factor 1 . CFH (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00174541 - Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein precursor IL-1ra IRAP IL1 inhibitor IL-1RN ICIL-1RA . IL1RN (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00175024 - Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein precursor IL-1ra IRAP IL1 inhibitor IL-1RN ICIL-1RA . IL1RN (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00385789 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 precursor ICAM-1 Major group rhinovirus receptor CD54 antigen . ICAM1 (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00414328 - Bactericidal permeability-increasing protein-like 3 precursor. BPIL3 (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00515041 - Complement factor H precursor H factor 1 . CFH (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00552578 - Serum amyloid A protein precursor SAA SAA1 SAA2 (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00642425 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 precursor ICAM-1 Major group rhinovirus receptor CD54 antigen . ICAM1 (4 diseases found)
 +  IPI00004524 - Grancalcin. GCA (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00005180 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00005563 - Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like precursor Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-related protein TIN Ag-related protein TIN-Ag-RP Glucocorticoid-inducible protein 5 Oxidized LDL-responsive gene 2 protein OLRG-2 . TINAGL1 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00008787 - Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase precursor EC N-acetyl-alpha- glucosaminidase NAG . NAGLU (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00015696 - Trem-like transcript 2 protein precursor TLT-2 Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-like protein 2 . TREML2 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00019399 - Serum amyloid A-4 protein precursor Constitutively expressed serum amyloid A protein C-SAA . SAA4 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00019579 - Complement factor D precursor EC C3 convertase activator Properdin factor D Adipsin . CFD (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00027769 - Leukocyte elastase precursor EC Elastase-2 Neutrophil elastase PMN elastase Bone marrow serine protease Medullasin Human leukocyte elastase HLE . ELA2 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00028147 - Angiotensin-converting enzyme somatic isoform precursor EC Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase I Kininase II CD143 antigen . ACE (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00099981 - Polycystin-1 precursor Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease protein 1 . PKD1 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00165972 - Complement factor D precursor EC C3 convertase activator Properdin factor D Adipsin . CFD (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00215995 - Integrin alpha-3 precursor Galactoprotein B3 GAPB3 VLA-3 alpha chain FRP-2 CD49c antigen . ITGA3 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00219365 - Moesin Membrane-organizing extension spike protein . MSN (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00290043 - Integrin alpha-3 precursor Galactoprotein B3 GAPB3 VLA-3 alpha chain FRP-2 CD49c antigen . ITGA3 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00293274 - Polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 precursor Fibrocystin Polyductin Tigmin . PKHD1 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00294125 - Toll-like receptor 6 precursor CD286 antigen . TLR6 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00294713 - Mannan-binding lectin serine protease 2 precursor EC Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease 2 MASP-2 MBL- associated serine protease 2 MASP2 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00297981 - Hyaluronan synthase 3 EC Hyaluronate synthase 3 Hyaluronic acid synthase 3 HA synthase 3 . HAS3 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00299040 - Polycystin-2 Polycystic kidney disease 2 protein homolog Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease type II protein Polycystwin R48321 . PKD2 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00437751 - Angiotensin-converting enzyme somatic isoform precursor EC Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase I Kininase II CD143 antigen . ACE (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00442073 - Cysteine and glycine-rich protein 1 Cysteine-rich protein 1 CRP1 CRP . CSRP1 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00471969 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00473139 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00645899 - Cardiotrophin-1 CT-1 . CTF1 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00745224 - Trefoil factor 3 precursor Intestinal trefoil factor hP1.B . TFF3 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00745482 - Trem-like transcript 2 protein precursor TLT-2 Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-like protein 2 . TREML2 (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00746667 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00746734 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00789407 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00796552 - Angiotensin-converting enzyme somatic isoform precursor EC Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase I Kininase II CD143 antigen . ACE (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00815838 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00816410 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00829673 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00845452 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00847347 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00853168 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00853473 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR-1 beta chain precursor Clone P2-beta-3 . (3 diseases found)
 +  IPI00000070 - Low-density lipoprotein receptor precursor LDL receptor . LDLR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00000807 - Myosin-Va Dilute myosin heavy chain non-muscle Myosin-12 Myosin heavy chain 12 Myoxin . MYO5A (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00004457 - Membrane copper amine oxidase EC Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase SSAO Vascular adhesion protein 1 VAP-1 HPAO . AOC3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00005223 - Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 9 SMAD 9 Mothers against DPP homolog 9 Smad9 Madh6 . SMAD9 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00005721 - Neutrophil defensin 1 precursor HNP-1 HP-1 HP1 Defensin alpha 1 . DEFA1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00005954 - Interleukin-9 receptor precursor IL-9R CD129 antigen . IL9R (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00006408 - Nitric oxide synthase-interacting protein eNOS-interacting protein . NOSIP (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00006705 - Uteroglobin precursor Secretoglobin family 1A member 1 Clara cell phospholipid-binding protein CCPBP Clara cells 10 kDa secretory protein CC10 Urinary protein 1 Urine protein 1 UP1 . SCGB1A1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00006988 - Resistin precursor Cysteine-rich secreted protein FIZZ3 Adipose tissue-specific secretory factor ADSF C EBP-epsilon-regulated myeloid-specific secreted cysteine-rich protein Cysteine-rich secreted protein A12-alpha-like 2 . RETN (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00007047 - Protein S100-A8 S100 calcium-binding protein A8 Calgranulin-A Migration inhibitory factor-related protein 8 MRP-8 Cystic fibrosis antigen CFAG P8 Leukocyte L1 complex light chain Calprotectin L1L subunit Urinary stone protein band A . S100A8 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00007856 - Myosin-2 Myosin heavy chain 2 Myosin heavy chain 2a MyHC-2a Myosin heavy chain skeletal muscle adult 2 Myosin heavy chain IIa MyHC-IIa . MYH2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00008580 - Antileukoproteinase precursor ALP Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor HUSI-1 Seminal proteinase inhibitor BLPI Mucus proteinase inhibitor MPI WAP four-disulfide core domain protein 4 Protease inhibitor WAP4 . SLPI (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00009276 - Endothelial protein C receptor precursor Endothelial cell protein C receptor Activated protein C receptor APC receptor CD201 antigen . PROCR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00009477 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 2 precursor ICAM-2 CD102 antigen . ICAM2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00010397 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-1 beta chain precursor MHC class I antigen DRB1*1 DR-1 DR1 . HLA-DRB1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00010486 - Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 5 protein Alpha-integrin-binding protein 63 Ruby-eye protein 2 homolog Ru2 . HPS5 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00010790 - Biglycan precursor Bone cartilage proteoglycan I PG-S1 . BGN (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00011082 - Claudin-15. CLDN15 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00011264 - Complement factor H-related protein 1 precursor FHR-1 H factor-like protein 1 H-factor-like 1 H36 . CFHR1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00011981 - Solute carrier family 13 member 2 Renal sodium dicarboxylate cotransporter Na + dicarboxylate cotransporter 1 NaDC-1 . SLC13A2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00012391 - Adenomatous polyposis coli protein Protein APC . APC (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00012818 - Aquaporin-2 AQP-2 Aquaporin-CD AQP-CD Water channel protein for renal collecting duct ADH water channel Collecting duct water channel protein WCH-CD . AQP2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00012851 - Probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IC EC Familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 1 ATPase class I type 8B member 1 . ATP8B1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00013826 - Atrial natriuretic peptide clearance receptor precursor ANP-C ANPRC NPR-C Atrial natriuretic peptide C-type receptor . NPR3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00014594 - Podocin. NPHS2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00014808 - Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit gamma EC PAF acetylhydrolase 29 kDa subunit PAF-AH 29 kDa subunit PAF-AH subunit gamma PAFAH subunit gamma . PAFAH1B3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00015819 - BTB POZ domain-containing protein TNFAIP1 Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 1 endothelial Protein B12 . (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00015902 - Beta platelet-derived growth factor receptor precursor EC PDGF-R-beta CD140b antigen . PDGFRB (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00018247 - C-C chemokine receptor-like 2 Putative MCP-1 chemokine receptor Chemokine receptor CCR11 Chemokine receptor X . CCRL2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00018953 - Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 EC Dipeptidyl peptidase IV DPP IV T-cell activation antigen CD26 TP103 Adenosine deaminase complexing protein 2 ADABP DPP4 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00019449 - Nonsecretory ribonuclease precursor EC Ribonuclease US Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin RNase UpI-2 Ribonuclease 2 RNase 2 . RNASE2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00020019 - Adiponectin precursor Adipocyte C1q and collagen domain-containing protein 30 kDa adipocyte complement-related protein Adipocyte complement-related 30 kDa protein ACRP30 Adipose most abundant gene transcript 1 apM-1 Gelatin-binding protein . ADIPOQ (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00020091 - Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 2 precursor AGP 2 Orosomucoid-2 OMD 2 . ORM2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00021027 - Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 12 precursor Suppressor of tumorigenicity protein 7 . LRP12 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00021834 - Tissue factor pathway inhibitor precursor TFPI Lipoprotein- associated coagulation inhibitor LACI Extrinsic pathway inhibitor EPI . TFPI (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00021856 - Apolipoprotein C-II precursor Apo-CII ApoC-II . APOC2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00022391 - Serum amyloid P-component precursor SAP 9.5S alpha-1-glycoprotein . APCS (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00022977 - Creatine kinase B-type EC Creatine kinase B chain B-CK . CKB (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00023711 - Envoplakin 210 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen p210 210 kDa cornified envelope precursor protein . EVPL (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00024284 - Basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein precursor HSPG Perlecan PLC . HSPG2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00024292 - Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2 precursor Megalin Glycoprotein 330 gp330 . LRP2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00024689 - Aquaporin-1 AQP-1 Aquaporin-CHIP Water channel protein for red blood cells and kidney proximal tubule Urine water channel . AQP1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00026256 - Filaggrin. FLG (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00026546 - Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit beta EC PAF acetylhydrolase 30 kDa subunit PAF-AH 30 kDa subunit PAF-AH subunit beta PAFAH subunit beta . PAFAH1B2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00027087 - Neural cell adhesion molecule L1 precursor N-CAM L1 CD171 antigen . L1CAM (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00027444 - Leukocyte elastase inhibitor LEI Serpin B1 Monocyte neutrophil elastase inhibitor M NEI EI . SERPINB1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00027462 - Protein S100-A9 S100 calcium-binding protein A9 Calgranulin-B Migration inhibitory factor-related protein 14 MRP-14 P14 Leukocyte L1 complex heavy chain Calprotectin L1H subunit . S100A9 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00027509 - Matrix metalloproteinase-9 precursor EC MMP-9 92 kDa type IV collagenase 92 kDa gelatinase Gelatinase B GELB . MMP9 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00028064 - Cathepsin G precursor EC CG . CTSG (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00028413 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3 precursor ITI heavy chain H3 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 3 Serum-derived hyaluronan-associated protein SHAP . ITIH3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00029155 - Single Ig IL-1-related receptor Single Ig IL-1R-related molecule Single immunoglobulin domain-containing IL1R-related protein Toll interleukin-1 receptor 8 TIR8 . SIGIRR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00032140 - Serpin H1 precursor Collagen-binding protein Colligin 47 kDa heat shock protein Rheumatoid arthritis-related antigen RA-A47 Arsenic- transactivated protein 3 AsTP3 Proliferation-inducing gene 14 protein . SERPINH1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00032179 - Antithrombin-III precursor ATIII . SERPINC1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00032311 - Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein precursor LBP . LBP (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00032328 - Kininogen-1 precursor Alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor . KNG1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00033102 - Acidic mammalian chitinase precursor EC AMCase TSA1902 . CHIA (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00064994 - Zeta-sarcoglycan Zeta-SG ZSG1 . SGCZ (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00099110 - Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein precursor Glycoprotein 340 Gp-340 Surfactant pulmonary-associated D-binding protein . DMBT1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00099386 - Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen TIN-Ag . TINAG (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00100956 - Myosin-Va Dilute myosin heavy chain non-muscle Myosin-12 Myosin heavy chain 12 Myoxin . MYO5A (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00103242 - Protein POF1B Premature ovarian failure protein 1B . (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00107731 - osteoclast-associated receptor isoform 1 OSCAR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00155447 - Matrix metalloproteinase-28 precursor EC 3.4.24.- MMP-28 Epilysin . MMP28 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00167093 - Complement factor H-related protein 1 precursor FHR-1 H factor-like protein 1 H-factor-like 1 H36 . CFHR1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00173549 - Synaptopodin-2 Myopodin Genethonin 2 . SYNPO2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00179071 - Nuclear receptor coactivator 6 Amplified in breast cancer protein 3 Cancer-amplified transcriptional coactivator ASC-2 Activating signal cointegrator 2 ASC-2 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-interacting protein PPAR-interacting protei NCOA6 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00181304 - pepsinogen 5 group I PGA5 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00186460 - Collagen alpha-1 II chain precursor Alpha-1 type II collagen . COL2A1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00215700 - Atrial natriuretic peptide clearance receptor precursor ANP-C ANPRC NPR-C Atrial natriuretic peptide C-type receptor . NPR3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00215894 - Kininogen-1 precursor Alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor . KNG1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00217493 - Myoglobin. MB (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00218019 - Basigin precursor Leukocyte activation antigen M6 Collagenase stimulatory factor Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer EMMPRIN 5F7 Tumor cell-derived collagenase stimulatory factor TCSF OK blood group antigen CD147 antigen . BSG (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00218169 - mucin 1 isoform 5 precursor MUC1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00218184 - Tissue factor pathway inhibitor precursor TFPI Lipoprotein- associated coagulation inhibitor LACI Extrinsic pathway inhibitor EPI . TFPI (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00219602 - Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 5 protein Alpha-integrin-binding protein 63 Ruby-eye protein 2 homolog Ru2 . HPS5 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00219898 - Nephrin precursor Renal glomerulus-specific cell adhesion receptor . NPHS1 PRODH2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00220143 - Maltase-glucoamylase intestinal . MGAM (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00221065 - ETS translocation variant 1 Protein ER81 . ETV1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00249304 - Peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor A-interacting complex 285 kDa protein EC 3.6.1.- ATP-dependent helicase PRIC285 PPAR-alpha- interacting complex protein 285 PPAR-gamma DBD-interacting protein 1 PDIP1 . (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00291867 - Complement factor I precursor EC C3B C4B inactivator . CFI (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00292014 - Interleukin-7 receptor alpha chain precursor IL-7R-alpha CD127 antigen CDw127 . IL7R (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00292530 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H1 precursor ITI heavy chain H1 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 1 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor complex component III Serum-derived hyaluronan-associated protein SHAP . ITIH1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00292657 - NADP-dependent leukotriene B4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase EC 15-oxoprostaglandin 13-reductase EC . LTB4DH (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00293539 - Cadherin-11 precursor Osteoblast-cadherin OB-cadherin OSF-4 . CDH11 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00297646 - Collagen alpha-1 I chain precursor Alpha-1 type I collagen . COL1A1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00298057 - Periplakin 195 kDa cornified envelope precursor protein 190 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen . PPL (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00298800 - Glycophorin A precursor PAS-2 Sialoglycoprotein alpha MN sialoglycoprotein CD235a antigen . GYPA (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00299547 - Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin precursor NGAL p25 25 kDa alpha-2-microglobulin-related subunit of MMP-9 Lipocalin-2 Oncogene 24p3 . LCN2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00302829 - Retinoblastoma-associated protein PP110 P105-RB RB . RB1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00304227 - Cadherin-11 precursor Osteoblast-cadherin OB-cadherin OSF-4 . CDH11 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00304866 - Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 2 Primary response gene B94 protein . TNFAIP2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00305461 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H2 precursor ITI heavy chain H2 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 2 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor complex component II Serum-derived hyaluronan-associated protein SHAP . ITIH2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00306430 - ETS translocation variant 1 Protein ER81 . ETV1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00306587 - Transcription factor 21 Podocyte-expressed 1 Pod-1 Epicardin Capsulin . TCF21 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00329266 - Gastrokine-2 precursor Blottin Trefoil factor interactions z 1 Down-regulated in gastric cancer . GKN2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00334532 - Neural cell adhesion molecule L1 precursor N-CAM L1 CD171 antigen . L1CAM (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00374037 - Acidic mammalian chitinase precursor EC AMCase TSA1902 . CHIA (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00374038 - Acidic mammalian chitinase precursor EC AMCase TSA1902 . CHIA (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00382390 - Nebulin-related-anchoring protein N-RAP . NRAP (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00382606 - Coagulation factor VII precursor EC Serum prothrombin conversion accelerator SPCA Proconvertin Eptacog alfa . F7 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00383032 - Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2 precursor HAVcr-2 T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing protein 3 TIMD-3 T cell membrane protein 3 TIM-3 . HAVCR2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00383338 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H1 precursor ITI heavy chain H1 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 1 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor complex component III Serum-derived hyaluronan-associated protein SHAP . ITIH1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00383762 - Collagen alpha-1 II chain precursor Alpha-1 type II collagen . COL2A1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00384454 - Tissue factor precursor TF Coagulation factor III Thromboplastin CD142 antigen . F3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00384697 - Serum albumin precursor. ALB (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00385173 - mucin 1 isoform 5 precursor MUC1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00385863 - Complement C1q subcomponent subunit A precursor. C1QA (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00394803 - Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 20 precursor. CEACAM20 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00394876 - Basigin precursor Leukocyte activation antigen M6 Collagenase stimulatory factor Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer EMMPRIN 5F7 Tumor cell-derived collagenase stimulatory factor TCSF OK blood group antigen CD147 antigen . BSG (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00397801 - filaggrin family member 2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00398162 - Nebulin-related-anchoring protein N-RAP . NRAP (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00401776 - Mucin-6 precursor Gastric mucin-6 . MUC6 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00412044 - Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein precursor Glycoprotein 340 Gp-340 Surfactant pulmonary-associated D-binding protein . DMBT1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00418512 - Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein precursor Glycoprotein 340 Gp-340 Surfactant pulmonary-associated D-binding protein . DMBT1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00419215 - alpha-2-macroglobulin-like 1 A2ML1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00419824 - Interleukin-7 receptor alpha chain precursor IL-7R-alpha CD127 antigen CDw127 . IL7R (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00427522 - Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-binding protein PBP PPAR-binding protein Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein complex 220 kDa component Trap220 Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 2 TRIP-2 p53 regulatory protein RB18A Vit MED1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00432567 - Single Ig IL-1-related receptor Single Ig IL-1R-related molecule Single immunoglobulin domain-containing IL1R-related protein Toll interleukin-1 receptor 8 TIR8 . SIGIRR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00465187 - Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 precursor EC 3.4.17.- ACE-related carboxypeptidase Angiotensin-converting enzyme homolog ACEH . ACE2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00472109 - Nephrin precursor Renal glomerulus-specific cell adhesion receptor . NPHS1 PRODH2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00472169 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-1 beta chain precursor MHC class I antigen DRB1*1 DR-1 DR1 . HLA-DRB1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00478003 - Alpha-2-macroglobulin precursor Alpha-2-M . A2M (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00478809 - Coagulation factor V precursor Activated protein C cofactor . F5 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00479191 - Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H hnRNP H . HNRPH1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00513720 - Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen TIN-Ag . TINAG (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00550964 - alpha-2-macroglobulin-like 1 A2ML1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00552474 - Collagen alpha-1 II chain precursor Alpha-1 type II collagen . COL2A1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00553177 - Alpha-1-antitrypsin precursor Alpha-1 protease inhibitor Alpha-1- antiproteinase . SERPINA1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00555812 - Vitamin D-binding protein precursor DBP Group-specific component Gc-globulin VDB . GC (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00607579 - Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 protein. HPS1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00619939 - Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 precursor EC 3.4.17.- ACE-related carboxypeptidase Angiotensin-converting enzyme homolog ACEH . ACE2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00639937 - B-factor properdin. (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00642739 - Metalloproteinase inhibitor 1 precursor TIMP-1 Erythroid- potentiating activity EPA Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases Fibroblast collagenase inhibitor Collagenase inhibitor . TIMP1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00643384 - Biglycan precursor Bone cartilage proteoglycan I PG-S1 . BGN (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00643525 - Complement component 4A Rodgers blood group . (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00643630 - NADP-dependent leukotriene B4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase EC 15-oxoprostaglandin 13-reductase EC . LTB4DH (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00644065 - Nuclear receptor coactivator 6 Amplified in breast cancer protein 3 Cancer-amplified transcriptional coactivator ASC-2 Activating signal cointegrator 2 ASC-2 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-interacting protein PPAR-interacting protei NCOA6 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00651768 - Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2 precursor HAVcr-2 T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing protein 3 TIMD-3 T cell membrane protein 3 TIM-3 . HAVCR2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00657957 - CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 3 CCR4-associated factor 3 Leukocyte receptor cluster member 2 . CNOT3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00735855 - Synaptopodin-2 Myopodin Genethonin 2 . SYNPO2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00736670 - Mucin-6 precursor Gastric mucin-6 . MUC6 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00738107 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DRB1-1 beta chain precursor MHC class I antigen DRB1*1 DR-1 DR1 . HLA-DRB1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00742098 - Synaptopodin-2 Myopodin Genethonin 2 . SYNPO2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00742696 - Vitamin D-binding protein precursor DBP Group-specific component Gc-globulin VDB . GC (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00744805 - Membrane copper amine oxidase EC Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase SSAO Vascular adhesion protein 1 VAP-1 HPAO . AOC3 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00745227 - Nebulin-related-anchoring protein N-RAP . NRAP (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00745762 - Neural cell adhesion molecule L1 precursor N-CAM L1 CD171 antigen . L1CAM (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00745872 - Serum albumin precursor. ALB (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00746488 - Basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein precursor HSPG Perlecan PLC . HSPG2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00747010 - Nephrin precursor Renal glomerulus-specific cell adhesion receptor . NPHS1 PRODH2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00747758 - Basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein precursor HSPG Perlecan PLC . HSPG2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00748487 - Collagen alpha-1 II chain precursor Alpha-1 type II collagen . COL2A1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00759535 - C-C chemokine receptor-like 2 Putative MCP-1 chemokine receptor Chemokine receptor CCR11 Chemokine receptor X . CCRL2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00783704 - Maltase-glucoamylase intestinal . MGAM (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00783792 - Maltase-glucoamylase intestinal . MGAM (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00787500 - Single Ig IL-1-related receptor Single Ig IL-1R-related molecule Single immunoglobulin domain-containing IL1R-related protein Toll interleukin-1 receptor 8 TIR8 . SIGIRR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00787614 - Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 20 precursor. CEACAM20 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00788698 - Kininogen-1 precursor Alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor . KNG1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00789376 - Kininogen-1 precursor Alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor . KNG1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00789547 - Alpha-2-macroglobulin precursor Alpha-2-M . A2M (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00790747 - Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-binding protein PBP PPAR-binding protein Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein complex 220 kDa component Trap220 Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 2 TRIP-2 p53 regulatory protein RB18A Vit MED1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00790784 - Alpha-1-antitrypsin precursor Alpha-1 protease inhibitor Alpha-1- antiproteinase . SERPINA1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00790819 - Aquaporin-2 AQP-2 Aquaporin-CD AQP-CD Water channel protein for renal collecting duct ADH water channel Collecting duct water channel protein WCH-CD . AQP2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00790859 - alpha-2-macroglobulin-like 1 A2ML1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00791022 - Collagen alpha-1 II chain precursor Alpha-1 type II collagen . COL2A1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00791763 - Myosin-2 Myosin heavy chain 2 Myosin heavy chain 2a MyHC-2a Myosin heavy chain skeletal muscle adult 2 Myosin heavy chain IIa MyHC-IIa . MYH2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00792146 - alpha-2-macroglobulin-like 1 A2ML1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00792252 - Low-density lipoprotein receptor precursor LDL receptor . LDLR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00792702 - Matrix metalloproteinase-28 precursor EC 3.4.24.- MMP-28 Epilysin . MMP28 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00793580 - Zeta-sarcoglycan Zeta-SG ZSG1 . SGCZ (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00793902 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 2 precursor ICAM-2 CD102 antigen . ICAM2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00793958 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 2 precursor ICAM-2 CD102 antigen . ICAM2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00794600 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 2 precursor ICAM-2 CD102 antigen . ICAM2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00795142 - osteoclast-associated receptor isoform 1 OSCAR (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00795153 - Complement factor I precursor EC C3B C4B inactivator . CFI (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00796990 - Complement factor I precursor EC C3B C4B inactivator . CFI (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00797175 - Kininogen-1 precursor Alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor . KNG1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00797833 - Kininogen-1 precursor Alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor . KNG1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00815941 - Coagulation factor V precursor Activated protein C cofactor . F5 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00829748 - Complement component 4A Rodgers blood group . (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00829826 - Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-binding protein PBP PPAR-binding protein Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein complex 220 kDa component Trap220 Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 2 TRIP-2 p53 regulatory protein RB18A Vit MED1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00843913 - Complement component 4A Rodgers blood group . complement component 4B preproprotein (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00844156 - Antithrombin-III precursor ATIII . SERPINC1 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00845472 - Glycophorin A precursor PAS-2 Sialoglycoprotein alpha MN sialoglycoprotein CD235a antigen . GYPA (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00853569 - Mucin-6 precursor Gastric mucin-6 . MUC6 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00854675 - Nephrin precursor Renal glomerulus-specific cell adhesion receptor . NPHS1 PRODH2 (2 diseases found)
 +  IPI00000105 - Major vault protein MVP Lung resistance-related protein . MVP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00000760 - NG NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 EC Dimethylargininase-2 Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 DDAHII DDAH-2 S-phase protein Protein G6a . DDAH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00000793 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DM beta chain precursor MHC class II antigen DMB . HLA-DMB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00001450 - Protocadherin beta 12 precursor PCDH-beta12 . PCDHB12 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00001754 - Junctional adhesion molecule A precursor JAM-A Junctional adhesion molecule 1 JAM-1 Platelet adhesion molecule 1 PAM-1 Platelet F11 receptor CD321 antigen . F11R (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00002255 - Lipopolysaccharide-responsive and beige-like anchor protein CDC4-like protein Beige-like protein . LRBA (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00002435 - CD27 antigen precursor CD27L receptor T-cell activation antigen CD27 T14 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 7 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00002478 - Endothelin-converting enzyme 1 EC ECE-1 . ECE1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00003799 - Heme-binding protein 2 Protein SOUL Placental protein 23 PP23 . HEBP2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00003893 - Protocadherin gamma B3 precursor PCDH-gamma-B3 . PCDHGB3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00003905 - Solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 2 Glucose transporter type 2 liver GLUT-2 . SLC2A2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00003925 - Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit beta mitochondrial precursor EC PDHE1-B . PDHB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00004503 - Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 precursor LAMP-1 CD107a antigen . LAMP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00004573 - Polymeric-immunoglobulin receptor precursor Poly-Ig receptor PIGR Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein TB6 . PIGR (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00004860 - Arginyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Arginine--tRNA ligase ArgRS . RARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00005171 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR alpha chain precursor MHC class II antigen DRA . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00005511 - PHD finger-like domain-containing protein 5A PHD finger-like domain protein 5A Splicing factor 3B-associated 14 kDa protein SF3b14b . PHF5A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00005578 - EH domain-containing protein 4 Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein 10 11 . EHD4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00005776 - Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 Caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 4 . NOD1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00005908 - ADAMTS-1 precursor EC 3.4.24.- A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 1 ADAM-TS 1 ADAM-TS1 METH-1 . ADAMTS1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00006579 - Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 1 mitochondrial precursor EC Cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV isoform 1 COX IV-1 Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide IV . COX4I1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00006608 - Amyloid beta A4 protein precursor APP ABPP Alzheimer disease amyloid protein Cerebral vascular amyloid peptide CVAP Protease nexin-II PN-II APPI PreA4 APP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00006663 - Aldehyde dehydrogenase mitochondrial precursor EC ALDH class 2 ALDHI ALDH-E2 . ALDH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00006675 - Multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 ATP-binding cassette sub- family C member 4 MRP cMOAT-related ABC transporter Multi-specific organic anion transporter-B MOAT-B . ABCC4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00006995 - Placental protein 11 precursor EC 3.4.21.- PP11 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00007015 - Growth differentiation factor 2 precursor GDF-2 Bone morphogenetic protein 9 BMP-9 . GDF2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00007155 - Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 28 homolog H-Vps28 . VPS28 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00007188 - ADP ATP translocase 2 Adenine nucleotide translocator 2 ANT 2 ADP ATP carrier protein 2 Solute carrier family 25 member 5 ADP ATP carrier protein fibroblast isoform . SLC25A5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00007364 - Claudin-3 Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor 2 CPE- receptor 2 CPE-R 2 Ventral prostate.1 protein homolog HRVP1 . CLDN3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00008240 - Methionyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Methionine--tRNA ligase MetRS . MARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00008274 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00008453 - Coronin-1C Coronin-3 hCRNN4 . CORO1C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00008529 - 60S acidic ribosomal protein P2 Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-44 . RPLP2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00008857 - Amnionless protein precursor. AMN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00008934 - Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase mitochondrial precursor EC HMG-CoA synthase 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A synthase . HMGCS2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00009027 - Lithostathine 1 alpha precursor Pancreatic stone protein PSP Pancreatic thread protein PTP Islet of Langerhans regenerating protein REG Regenerating protein I alpha Islet cells regeneration factor ICRF . REG1A REG1B REGL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00009319 - SH3 adapter protein SPIN90 NCK-interacting protein with SH3 domain SH3 protein interacting with Nck 90 kDa VacA-interacting protein 54 kDa VIP54 AF3p21 Diaphanous protein-interacting protein Dia-interacting protein 1 DIP-1 . NCKIPSD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00009471 - WD repeat protein 3. WDR3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00009793 - complement component 1 r subcomponent-like precursor C1RL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00009865 - Keratin type I cytoskeletal 10 Cytokeratin-10 CK-10 Keratin-10 K10 . KRT10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00009901 - Nuclear transport factor 2 NTF-2 Placental protein 15 PP15 . NUTF2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00009920 - Complement component C6 precursor. (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00010313 - Myogenin Myogenic factor 4 Myf-4 . MYOG (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00010418 - Myosin-Ic Myosin I beta MMI-beta MMIb . MYO1C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00010675 - Trefoil factor 2 precursor Spasmolytic polypeptide SP Spasmolysin . TFF2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00010697 - Integrin alpha-6 precursor VLA-6 CD49f antigen . ITGA6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00011261 - Complement component C8 gamma chain precursor. C8G (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00011302 - CD59 glycoprotein precursor Membrane attack complex inhibition factor MACIF MAC-inhibitory protein MAC-IP Protectin MEM43 antigen Membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis MIRL 20 kDa homologous restriction factor HRF-20 HRF20 1F5 antige (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00011448 - Mucin-13 precursor Down-regulated in colon cancer 1 . MUC13 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00011685 - Collagen alpha-1 X chain precursor. COL10A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00011961 - Sialoadhesin precursor Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 1 Siglec- 1 CD169 antigen . SIGLEC1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00012235 - NEDD4 family-interacting protein 1 NEDD4 WW domain-binding protein 5 Putative MAPK-activating protein PM13 Putative NF-kappa-B- activating protein 164 Putative NFKB and MAPK-activating protein Breast cancer-associated protein SGA-1M . NDFIP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00012429 - Uncharacterized protein C9orf5 Protein CG-2 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00012796 - Glutamate decarboxylase 2 EC Glutamate decarboxylase 65 kDa isoform GAD-65 65 kDa glutamic acid decarboxylase . GAD2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00013193 - Myosin-VIIa. MYO7A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00013569 - Pappalysin-2 precursor EC 3.4.24.- Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 PAPP-A2 Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-E1 PAPP- E . PAPPA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00013885 - Caspase-14 precursor EC 3.4.22.- CASP-14 . CASP14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00013933 - Desmoplakin DP 250 210 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen . DSP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00013972 - Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 8 precursor Carcinoembryonic antigen CGM6 Nonspecific cross-reacting antigen NCA-95 CD67 antigen CD66b antigen . CEACAM8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00014211 - Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 9 precursor 4-1BB ligand receptor T-cell antigen 4-1BB homolog T-cell antigen ILA CD137 antigen CDw137 . TNFRSF9 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00015388 - Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2 cytoplasmic EC Serine-dependent phospholipase A2 HSD-PLA2 . PAFAH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00015505 - Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 6 protein Ruby-eye protein homolog Ru . HPS6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00015881 - Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 precursor CSF-1 MCSF M- CSF Lanimostim . CSF1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00015911 - Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase mitochondrial precursor EC Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase Glycine cleavage system L protein . DLD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00016007 - Myosin-Vc. MYO5C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00017184 - EH domain-containing protein 1 Testilin hPAST1 . EHD1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00017283 - Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase mitochondrial precursor EC Isoleucine--tRNA ligase IleRS . IARS2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00018136 - Vascular cell adhesion protein 1 precursor V-CAM 1 CD106 antigen INCAM-100 . VCAM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00018275 - Prion-like protein doppel precursor PrPLP Prion protein 2 . PRND (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00018279 - Collagen alpha-3 V chain precursor. COL5A3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00018755 - High mobility group protein 1-like 10 HMG-1L10 . HMG1L10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00018901 - Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 1 precursor EC Gamma- glutamyltransferase 1 GGT 1 CD224 antigen . GGT1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00018956 - Cartilage homeoprotein 1 CART-1 . ALX1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019190 - Myocilin precursor Trabecular meshwork-induced glucocorticoid response protein . MYOC (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019231 - Claudin-10 OSP-like protein . CLDN10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019312 - Protein G7c precursor. C6orf27 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019359 - Keratin type I cytoskeletal 9 Cytokeratin-9 CK-9 Keratin-9 K9 . KRT9 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019400 - Thiopurine S-methyltransferase EC Thiopurine methyltransferase . TPMT (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019502 - Myosin-9 Myosin heavy chain 9 Myosin heavy chain nonmuscle IIa Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIa NMMHC II-a NMMHC-IIA Cellular myosin heavy chain type A Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain-A NMMHC- A . MYH9 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019581 - Coagulation factor XII precursor EC Hageman factor HAF . F12 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019644 - Renin precursor EC Angiotensinogenase . REN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00019943 - Afamin precursor Alpha-albumin Alpha-Alb . AFM (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00020008 - NEDD8 precursor Ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 Neddylin . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00020058 - Copper-transporting ATPase 2 EC Copper pump 2 Wilson disease-associated protein . ATP7B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00020201 - CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-poly-alpha-2 8-sialyltransferase EC 2.4.99.- Alpha-2 8-sialyltransferase 8D ST8Sia IV Polysialyltransferase- 1 . ST8SIA4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00020557 - Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 precursor LRP Alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor A2MR Apolipoprotein E receptor APOER CD91 antigen . LRP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00020982 - Amiloride-sensitive amine oxidase precursor EC Diamine oxidase DAO Amiloride-binding protein ABP Histaminase Kidney amine oxidase KAO . ABP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00020984 - Calnexin precursor Major histocompatibility complex class I antigen- binding protein p88 p90 IP90 . CANX (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021033 - Collagen alpha-1 III chain precursor. COL3A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021048 - Myoferlin Fer-1-like protein 3 . FER1L3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021338 - Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex mitochondrial precursor EC Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E2 subunit PDCE2 E2 Dihydrolipoamide S- acetyltransferase component of pyruvate dehydrog DLAT (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021458 - EH domain-containing protein 3. EHD3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021534 - Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor Edg-6 S1P receptor Edg-6 Endothelial differentiation G-protein coupled receptor 6 Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4 S1P4 . EDG6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021751 - Neurofilament heavy polypeptide NF-H Neurofilament triplet H protein 200 kDa neurofilament protein . NEFH (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021770 - 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase EC HMG-CoA reductase . HMGCR (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021841 - Apolipoprotein A-I precursor Apo-AI ApoA-I . APOA1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021855 - Apolipoprotein C-I precursor Apo-CI ApoC-I . APOC1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021857 - Apolipoprotein C-III precursor Apo-CIII ApoC-III . APOC3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00021923 - Protein FAM3C precursor Protein GS3786 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022048 - Prostaglandin F2 receptor negative regulator precursor Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor regulatory protein Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor-associated protein CD9 partner 1 CD9P-1 CD315 antigen . PTGFRN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022229 - Apolipoprotein B-100 precursor Apo B-100 . APOB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022290 - Beta-defensin 1 precursor BD-1 Defensin beta 1 hBD-1 . DEFB1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022331 - Phosphatidylcholine-sterol acyltransferase precursor EC Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase Phospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase . LCAT (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022395 - Complement component C9 precursor . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022426 - AMBP protein precursor . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022429 - Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1 precursor AGP 1 Orosomucoid-1 OMD 1 . ORM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022608 - Sortilin-related receptor precursor Sorting protein-related receptor containing LDLR class A repeats SorLA SorLA-1 Low-density lipoprotein receptor relative with 11 ligand-binding repeats LDLR relative with 11 ligand-binding repeats LR11 . SORL1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022661 - Poliovirus receptor-related protein 2 precursor Herpes virus entry mediator B HveB Nectin-2 CD112 antigen . PVRL2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022810 - Dipeptidyl-peptidase 1 precursor EC Dipeptidyl-peptidase I DPP-I DPPI Cathepsin C Cathepsin J Dipeptidyl transferase CTSC (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00022891 - ADP ATP translocase 1 Adenine nucleotide translocator 1 ANT 1 ADP ATP carrier protein 1 Solute carrier family 25 member 4 ADP ATP carrier protein heart skeletal muscle isoform T1 . SLC25A4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00023019 - Sex hormone-binding globulin precursor SHBG Sex steroid-binding protein SBP Testis-specific androgen-binding protein ABP Testosterone-estrogen-binding globulin Testosterone-estradiol- binding globulin TeBG . SHBG (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00023729 - Fructosamine-3-kinase EC 2.7.1.- . FN3K (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00023868 - Canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1 ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 2 Multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 Canalicular multidrug resistance protein . ABCC2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00023978 - Calcipressin-1 Down syndrome critical region protein 1 Myocyte- enriched calcineurin-interacting protein 1 MCIP1 Adapt78 . RCAN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00024034 - Cadherin-4 precursor Retinal-cadherin R-cadherin R-CAD . CDH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00024087 - Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit testis-specific form mitochondrial precursor EC PDHE1-A type II . PDHA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00025094 - myosin heavy chain 16 MYH16 on chromosome 7 MYH16 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00025204 - CD5 antigen-like precursor SP-alpha CT-2 IgM-associated peptide . CD5L (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00025278 - Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase 12R type EC 1.13.11.- Epidermis-type lipoxygenase 12 12R-lipoxygenase 12R-LOX . ALOX12B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00025418 - Collagen alpha-1 VII chain precursor Long-chain collagen LC collagen . COL7A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00025753 - Desmoglein-1 precursor Desmosomal glycoprotein 1 DG1 DGI Pemphigus foliaceus antigen . DSG1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00025803 - Insulin receptor precursor EC IR CD220 antigen . INSR (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00025992 - Hepcidin precursor Liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide LEAP-1 Putative liver tumor regressor PLTR . HAMP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00026602 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-8 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*8 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00026650 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00027377 - Aggrecan core protein precursor Cartilage-specific proteoglycan core protein CSPCP Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan core protein 1 . ACAN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00027442 - Alanyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Alanine--tRNA ligase AlaRS Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-42 . AARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00027452 - Solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 5 Glucose transporter type 5 small intestine GLUT-5 Fructose transporter . SLC2A5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00027497 - Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase EC GPI Phosphoglucose isomerase PGI Phosphohexose isomerase PHI Neuroleukin NLK Sperm antigen 36 SA-36 . GPI (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00027828 - POU domain class 2 transcription factor 1 Octamer-binding transcription factor 1 Oct-1 OTF-1 NF-A1 . POU2F1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00027843 - Vitamin K-dependent protein Z precursor. PROZ (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00027847 - Lipoprotein lipase precursor EC LPL . LPL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00028270 - Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 7 precursor Carcinoembryonic antigen CGM2 . CEACAM7 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00028617 - Protocadherin gamma B3 precursor PCDH-gamma-B3 . PCDHGB3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00028714 - Matrix Gla-protein precursor MGP Cell growth-inhibiting gene 36 protein . MGP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00028910 - Dihydropyrimidinase EC DHPase Hydantoinase DHP . DPYS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00029045 - Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit epsilon EC I kappa-B kinase epsilon IkBKE IKK-epsilon IKK- E Inducible I kappa-B kinase IKK-i . IKBKE (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00029455 - Multidrug resistance-associated protein 6 ATP-binding cassette sub- family C member 6 Anthracycline resistance-associated protein Multi-specific organic anion transporter-E MOAT-E . ABCC6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00029460 - Brain mitochondrial carrier protein 1 BMCP-1 Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 5 UCP 5 Solute carrier family 25 member 14 . SLC25A14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00029751 - Contactin-1 precursor Neural cell surface protein F3 Glycoprotein gp135 . CNTN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00030246 - Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 13 EC Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1E PTP-E1 hPTPE1 PTP-BAS Protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTPL1 Fas-associated protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1 FAP-1 . PTPN13 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00030757 - ADAMTS-2 precursor EC A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 2 ADAM-TS 2 ADAM-TS2 Procollagen I II amino propeptide-processing enzyme Procollagen I N-proteinase PC I-NP Procollagen N-endopeptidase pNPI . ADAMTS2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00031030 - Amyloid-like protein 2 precursor Amyloid protein homolog APPH CDEI box-binding protein CDEBP . APLP2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00031476 - 85 kDa calcium-independent phospholipase A2 EC iPLA2 CaI- PLA2 Group VI phospholipase A2 GVI PLA2 . PLA2G6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00031523 - Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha HSP 86 Renal carcinoma antigen NY- REN-38 . HSP90AA1 HSP90AA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00031547 - Desmoglein-3 precursor 130 kDa pemphigus vulgaris antigen PVA . DSG3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00031616 - Uncharacterized protein C17orf37 Protein C35 HBV X-transactivated gene 4 protein . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00031708 - Fumarylacetoacetase EC Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase Beta-diketonase FAA . FAH (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00031772 - Normal mucosa of esophagus-specific gene 1 protein Protein FOAP-11 . C15orf48 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00032220 - Angiotensinogen precursor Serpin A8 -angiotensin II . AGT (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00032291 - Complement C5 precursor . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00032325 - Cystatin-A Stefin-A Cystatin-AS . CSTA (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00033034 - Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase component of 2- oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex mitochondrial precursor EC Dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase component of 2- oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex E2 E2K . DLST DLSTP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00033944 - Suppressor of cytokine signaling 2 SOCS-2 Cytokine-inducible SH2 protein 2 CIS-2 STAT-induced STAT inhibitor 2 SSI-2 . SOCS2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00034309 - Inversin Inversion of embryo turning homolog Nephrocystin-2 . INVS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00042580 - Apolipoprotein O precursor Protein FAM121B . APOO (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00043598 - IKK interacting protein isoform 3.1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00044550 - Secretoglobin family 3A member 2 precursor Uteroglobin-related protein 1 Pneumo secretory protein 1 PnSP-1 . SCGB3A2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00056357 - Uncharacterized protein C19orf10 precursor Stromal cell-derived growth factor SF20 Interleukin-25 IL-25 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00061056 - CDNA FLJ30901 fis clone FEBRA2005778 weakly similar to INTEGUMENTARY MUCIN A.1. (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00064377 - Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 19L precursor Receptor expressed in lymphoid tissues . RELT (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00069126 - Myosin-VI Unconventional myosin VI . MYO6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00071696 - Protein CASP. CUTL1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00072377 - Protein SET Phosphatase 2A inhibitor I2PP2A I-2PP2A Template- activating factor I TAF-I HLA-DR-associated protein II PHAPII Inhibitor of granzyme A-activated DNase IGAAD . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00072918 - Collagen alpha-3 VI chain precursor. COL6A3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00081836 - Histone H2A type 1 H2A.1 . Histone H2A type 1-H. HIST1H2AG HIST1H2AH HIST1H2AI HIST1H2AK HIST1H2AL HIST1H2AM (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00082827 - Vascular cell adhesion protein 1 precursor V-CAM 1 CD106 antigen INCAM-100 . VCAM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00083708 - HBxAg transactivated protein 2 BAT2D1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00084746 - HLA-B associated transcript-2 BAT2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00099239 - SLAM family member 5 precursor Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule 5 Leukocyte differentiation antigen CD84 CD84 antigen Cell surface antigen MAX.3 Hly9-beta . CD84 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00100154 - Toll-interacting protein. TOLLIP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00101355 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DM alpha chain precursor MHC class II antigen DMA . HLA-DMA (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00101405 - Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase FPP synthetase FPS Farnesyl diphosphate synthetase . FDPS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00102501 - Type-1 angiotensin II receptor-associated protein AT1 receptor- associated protein . AGTRAP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00102951 - Suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 SOCS-6 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 4 SOCS-4 Cytokine-inducible SH2 protein 4 CIS-4 . SOCS6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00103175 - Soluble calcium-activated nucleotidase 1 EC SCAN-1 Apyrase homolog Putative NF-kappa-B-activating protein 107 Putative MAPK-activating protein PM09 . CANT1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00103231 - Mucin-15 precursor. MUC15 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00105407 - Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 EC 1.1.1.- Aldose reductase-like ARL-1 Small intestine reductase SI reductase Aldose reductase-related protein ARP hARP . AKR1B10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00106646 - 45 kDa calcium-binding protein precursor Cab45 Stromal cell-derived factor 4 SDF-4 . SDF4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00106928 - Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 2 EC T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase TCPTP . PTPN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00148063 - Heme-binding protein 1 p22HBP . HEBP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00149044 - Suppressor of hairy wing homolog 4. SUHW4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00152318 - Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 110 Cancer testis antigen KM- HN-1 . CCDC110 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00152391 - Myotubularin-related protein 14 precursor HCV NS5A-transactivated protein 4 splice variant A-binding protein 1 NS5ATP4ABP1 . MTMR14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00152637 - ADAMTS-15 precursor EC 3.4.24.- A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 15 ADAM-TS 15 ADAM-TS15 . ADAMTS15 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00152653 - Ciliary dynein heavy chain 5 Axonemal beta dynein heavy chain 5 HL1 . DNAH5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00154755 - Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule-like protein 1 precursor Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 2 . DSCAML1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00160130 - Cubilin precursor Intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor Intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 receptor 460 kDa receptor Intestinal intrinsic factor receptor . CUBN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00163506 - Solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 9 Glucose transporter type 9 GLUT-9 . SLC2A9 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00163659 - Protein CASC5 Cancer susceptibility candidate gene 5 protein ALL1- fused gene from chromosome 15q14 AF15q14 D40 AF15q14 protein . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00167391 - Protein FAM123B Wilms tumor gene on the X chromosome protein . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00168378 - Myotubularin-related protein 14 precursor HCV NS5A-transactivated protein 4 splice variant A-binding protein 1 NS5ATP4ABP1 . MTMR14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00168635 - Multidrug resistance-associated protein 7 ATP-binding cassette sub- family C member 10 . ABCC10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00170517 - Transmembrane protein 115 Protein PL6 Placental protein 6 PP6 . TMEM115 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00170531 - potassium voltage-gated channel shaker-related subfamily member 7 KCNA7 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00170588 - Hyaluronidase PH-20 precursor EC Hyal-PH20 Sperm surface protein PH-20 Sperm adhesion molecule 1 . SPAM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00170594 - AT-hook-containing transcription factor 1 Embryonic large molecule derived from yolk sac . AHCTF1 AHCTF1P (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00170692 - Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein A VAMP- associated protein A VAMP-A VAP-A 33 kDa Vamp-associated protein VAP-33 . VAPA (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00170770 - PHD finger protein 3. PHF3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00171151 - Fc receptor-like 3 precursor FCRL3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00171903 - Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M hnRNP M . HNRPM (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00176193 - Collagen alpha-1 XIV chain precursor Undulin . COL14A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00176398 - SLIT and NTRK-like protein 6 precursor. SLITRK6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00176427 - Cell adhesion molecule 4 precursor Immunoglobulin superfamily member 4C Nectin-like protein 4 TSLC1-like protein 2 . CADM4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00176430 - Leukocyte receptor cluster member 9. LENG9 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00176619 - Protein MEMO1 Mediator of ErbB2-driven cell motility 1 Protein memo C21orf19-like protein Hepatitis C virus NS5A-transactivated protein 7 HCV NS5A-transactivated protein 7 . MEMO1P (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00178743 - Alstrom syndrome protein 1. ALMS1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00179185 - Carboxypeptidase Z precursor EC 3.4.17.- CPZ . CPZ (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00180408 - Myosin-15 Myosin heavy chain 15 . MYH15 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00181391 - Bifunctional protein NCOAT Nuclear cytoplasmic O-GlcNAcase and acetyltransferase Meningioma-expressed antigen 5 MGEA5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00183302 - PHD finger protein 8. PHF8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00183480 - Hepatocellular carcinoma associated protein TD26. (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00183666 - Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2 TrpV2 osm-9-like TRP channel 2 OTRPC2 Vanilloid receptor-like protein 1 VRL-1 . TRPV2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00184195 - Keratin type I cytoskeletal 19 Cytokeratin-19 CK-19 Keratin-19 K19 . KRT19 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00184311 - Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase family member 1 E- NPP 1 Phosphodiesterase I nucleotide pyrophosphatase 1 Plasma-cell membrane glycoprotein PC-1 ENPP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00184775 - Aldose 1-epimerase EC Galactose mutarotase . GALM (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00185224 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00185398 - Methionyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Methionine--tRNA ligase MetRS . MARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00215794 - ADAMTS-10 precursor EC 3.4.24.- A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 10 ADAM-TS 10 ADAM-TS10 . ADAMTS10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00215893 - Heme oxygenase 1 EC HO-1 . HMOX1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00215936 - Calcipressin-1 Down syndrome critical region protein 1 Myocyte- enriched calcineurin-interacting protein 1 MCIP1 Adapt78 . RCAN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00215980 - Poliovirus receptor-related protein 2 precursor Herpes virus entry mediator B HveB Nectin-2 CD112 antigen . PVRL2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216065 - Vitamin K-dependent protein Z precursor. PROZ (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216172 - Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 2 precursor LAMP-2 CD107b antigen . LAMP2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216221 - Integrin alpha-6 precursor VLA-6 CD49f antigen . ITGA6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216222 - Integrin alpha-6 precursor VLA-6 CD49f antigen . ITGA6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216268 - Myoferlin Fer-1-like protein 3 . FER1L3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216296 - Copper-transporting ATPase 2 EC Copper pump 2 Wilson disease-associated protein . ATP7B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216298 - Thioredoxin Trx ATL-derived factor ADF Surface-associated sulphydryl protein SASP . TXN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216489 - Aggrecan core protein precursor Cartilage-specific proteoglycan core protein CSPCP Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan core protein 1 . ACAN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216550 - Complement decay-accelerating factor precursor CD55 antigen . CD55 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216641 - Contactin-1 precursor Neural cell surface protein F3 Glycoprotein gp135 . CNTN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216653 - Ciliary dynein heavy chain 8 Axonemal beta dynein heavy chain 8 . DNAH8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216758 - Endothelin-converting enzyme 1 EC ECE-1 . ECE1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216762 - Endothelin-converting enzyme 1 EC ECE-1 . ECE1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216780 - Cartilage intermediate layer protein 2 precursor CILP-2 . CILP2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216951 - Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Aspartate--tRNA ligase AspRS Cell proliferation-inducing gene 40 protein . DARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00216984 - Calmodulin-like protein 3 Calmodulin-related protein NB-1 CaM-like protein CLP . CALML3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00217458 - Alanine aminotransferase 1 EC ALT1 Glutamic--pyruvic transaminase 1 GPT 1 Glutamic--alanine transaminase 1 . GPT (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00217563 - Integrin beta-1 precursor Fibronectin receptor subunit beta Integrin VLA-4 subunit beta CD29 antigen . ITGB1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00217717 - Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 1 precursor EC Gamma- glutamyltransferase 1 GGT 1 CD224 antigen . GGT1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00217862 - U3 small nucleolar RNA-interacting protein 2 U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein-associated 55 kDa protein U3 snoRNP-associated 55 kDa protein U3-55K RRP9 homolog . RRP9 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218054 - Selenoprotein H. C11orf31 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218192 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ITI heavy chain H4 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein IHRP Plasma kallikrein sensitive glycoprotein 120 PK-120 GP120 ITIH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218539 - Collagen alpha-1 XI chain precursor. COL11A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218563 - SH3 adapter protein SPIN90 NCK-interacting protein with SH3 domain SH3 protein interacting with Nck 90 kDa VacA-interacting protein 54 kDa VIP54 AF3p21 Diaphanous protein-interacting protein Dia-interacting protein 1 DIP-1 . NCKIPSD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218767 - Glucokinase EC Hexokinase-4 Hexokinase type IV HK IV HK4 Hexokinase-D . GCK (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218795 - L-selectin precursor Lymph node homing receptor Leukocyte adhesion molecule 1 LAM-1 Leukocyte surface antigen Leu-8 TQ1 gp90-MEL Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 LECAM1 CD62L antigen . SELL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218834 - Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III-A precursor IgG Fc receptor III-2 Fc-gamma RIII-alpha Fc-gamma RIIIa FcRIIIa Fc-gamma RIII FcRIII FcR-10 CD16a antigen . FCGR3A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00218915 - Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase 12S-type EC 12-LOX Platelet-type lipoxygenase 12 . ALOX12 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00219153 - 60S ribosomal protein L22 Epstein-Barr virus small RNA-associated protein EBER-associated protein EAP Heparin-binding protein HBp15 . RPL22 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00219171 - POU domain class 2 transcription factor 1 Octamer-binding transcription factor 1 Oct-1 OTF-1 NF-A1 . POU2F1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00219221 - Galectin-7 Gal-7 HKL-14 PI7 p53-induced protein 1 . LGALS7 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00219420 - Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 3 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 6 Chromosome-associated polypeptide hCAP Bamacan Basement membrane-associated chondroitin proteoglycan . SMC3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00219698 - Sialoadhesin precursor Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 1 Siglec- 1 CD169 antigen . SIGLEC1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220194 - Solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 1 Glucose transporter type 1 erythrocyte brain GLUT-1 HepG2 glucose transporter . SLC2A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220207 - 85 kDa calcium-independent phospholipase A2 EC iPLA2 CaI- PLA2 Group VI phospholipase A2 GVI PLA2 . PLA2G6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220231 - Huntingtin-associated protein 1 HAP-1 Neuroan 1 . HAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220325 - Insulin receptor precursor EC IR CD220 antigen . INSR (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220342 - NG NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 EC Dimethylargininase-1 Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 DDAHI DDAH-1 . DDAH1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220361 - Calbindin Vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein avian-type Calbindin D28 D-28K . CALB1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220373 - Insulin-degrading enzyme EC Insulysin Insulinase Insulin protease . IDE (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220513 - Neurofibromin Neurofibromatosis-related protein NF-1 . NF1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220514 - Neurofibromin Neurofibromatosis-related protein NF-1 . NF1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220573 - Myosin regulatory light chain 2 nonsarcomeric Myosin RLC . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220694 - Protein CASC5 Cancer susceptibility candidate gene 5 protein ALL1- fused gene from chromosome 15q14 AF15q14 D40 AF15q14 protein . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220737 - Neural cell adhesion molecule 1 140 kDa isoform precursor N-CAM 140 NCAM-140 CD56 antigen . NCAM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00220977 - Amyloid-like protein 2 precursor Amyloid protein homolog APPH CDEI box-binding protein CDEBP . APLP2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00221084 - Brain mitochondrial carrier protein 1 BMCP-1 Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 5 UCP 5 Solute carrier family 25 member 14 . SLC25A14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00221193 - Interferon-gamma receptor beta chain precursor Interferon-gamma receptor accessory factor 1 AF-1 Interferon-gamma transducer 1 . IFNGR2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00221240 - Leucyl-cystinyl aminopeptidase EC Cystinyl aminopeptidase Oxytocinase OTase Insulin-regulated membrane aminopeptidase Insulin-responsive aminopeptidase IRAP Placental leucine aminopeptidase P-LAP LNPEP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00221241 - Leucyl-cystinyl aminopeptidase EC Cystinyl aminopeptidase Oxytocinase OTase Insulin-regulated membrane aminopeptidase Insulin-responsive aminopeptidase IRAP Placental leucine aminopeptidase P-LAP LNPEP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00221382 - 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase EC HMG-CoA reductase . HMGCR (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00242956 - IgGFc-binding protein precursor FcgammaBP Fcgamma-binding protein antigen . FCGBP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00244083 - Glucokinase EC Hexokinase-4 Hexokinase type IV HK IV HK4 Hexokinase-D . GCK (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00247309 - Nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic 2 T cell transcription factor NFAT1 NFAT pre-existing subunit NF-ATp . NFATC2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00251596 - Collagen alpha-1 XXIII chain. COL23A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00289275 - Cartilage intermediate layer protein 1 precursor CILP-1 Cartilage intermediate-layer protein . CILP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00290198 - Interleukin-18 precursor IL-18 Interferon-gamma-inducing factor IFN-gamma-inducing factor Interleukin-1 gamma IL-1 gamma Iboctadekin . IL18 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00290328 - Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase eta precursor EC Protein-tyrosine phosphatase eta R-PTP-eta HPTP eta Protein- tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J Density-enhanced phosphatase 1 DEP-1 CD148 antigen . PTPRJ (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00290456 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 5 precursor ICAM-5 Telencephalin . ICAM5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00291136 - Collagen alpha-1 VI chain precursor. COL6A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00291262 - Clusterin precursor Complement-associated protein SP-40 40 Complement cytolysis inhibitor CLI NA1 NA2 Apolipoprotein J Apo-J Testosterone-repressed prostate message 2 TRPM-2 CLU (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00291467 - ADP ATP translocase 3 Adenine nucleotide translocator 2 ANT 3 ADP ATP carrier protein 3 Solute carrier family 25 member 6 ADP ATP carrier protein isoform T2 . SLC25A6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00291578 - Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 1 PRPP synthetase-associated protein 1 39 kDa phosphoribosypyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein PAP39 . PRPSAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00291737 - Intelectin-1 precursor Intestinal lactoferrin receptor Galactofuranose-binding lectin Endothelial lectin HL-1 Omentin . ITLN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00291924 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DM alpha chain precursor MHC class II antigen DMA . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00292069 - Complement decay-accelerating factor precursor CD55 antigen . CD55 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00292445 - CpG-binding protein PHD finger and CXXC domain-containing protein 1 CXXC-type zinc finger protein 1 . CXXC1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00292532 - Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide precursor 18 kDa cationic antimicrobial protein CAP-18 hCAP-18 . CAMP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00293305 - Integrin beta-1 precursor Fibronectin receptor subunit beta Integrin VLA-4 subunit beta CD29 antigen . ITGB1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00293665 - Keratin type II cytoskeletal 6B Cytokeratin-6B CK 6B K6b keratin . KRT6B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00294193 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ITI heavy chain H4 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein IHRP Plasma kallikrein sensitive glycoprotein 120 PK-120 GP120 ITIH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00294650 - Secreted frizzled-related protein 3 precursor sFRP-3 Frizzled- related protein 1 FrzB-1 Frezzled Fritz . FRZB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00295414 - Collagen alpha-1 XV chain precursor . COL15A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00295575 - Collagen alpha-1 XI chain precursor. COL11A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00295618 - Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule precursor PECAM-1 EndoCAM GPIIA' CD31 antigen . PECAM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00296141 - Dipeptidyl-peptidase 2 precursor EC Dipeptidyl-peptidase II DPP II Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase II Quiescent cell proline dipeptidase Dipeptidyl peptidase 7 . DPP7 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00296608 - Complement component C7 precursor. (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00296777 - SPARC-like protein 1 precursor High endothelial venule protein Hevin MAST 9 . SPARCL1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00297160 - CD44 antigen precursor Phagocytic glycoprotein I PGP-1 HUTCH-I Extracellular matrix receptor-III ECMR-III GP90 lymphocyte homing adhesion receptor Hermes antigen Hyaluronate receptor Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Epican CDw44 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00297351 - Suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 SOCS-6 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 4 SOCS-4 Cytokine-inducible SH2 protein 4 CIS-4 . SOCS6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00297845 - Nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic 2 T cell transcription factor NFAT1 NFAT pre-existing subunit NF-ATp . NFATC2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00298828 - Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 precursor Beta-2-glycoprotein I Apolipoprotein H Apo-H B2GPI Beta 2 GPI Activated protein C- binding protein APC inhibitor Anticardiolipin cofactor . APOH (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00298860 - Lactotransferrin precursor EC 3.4.21.- Lactoferrin Talalactoferrin alfa . LTF (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00298876 - Protein Wnt-9b precursor Wnt-15 Wnt-14b . WNT9B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00298887 - Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 Acute-phase response factor . STAT3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00299116 - Podocalyxin-like protein 1 precursor. PODXL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00299145 - Keratin type II cytoskeletal 6E Cytokeratin-6E CK 6E K6e keratin Keratin K6h . KRT6C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00299301 - Desmuslin. DMN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00299512 - Neurofibromin Neurofibromatosis-related protein NF-1 . NF1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00299778 - Serum paraoxonase lactonase 3 EC 3.1.1.- . PON3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00300050 - Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 2 EC 1.1.1.- 11-DH2 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 11-beta-HSD2 NAD- dependent 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase . HSD11B2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00300376 - Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase E precursor EC TGase E TGE TG E Transglutaminase-3 TGM3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00300378 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00300725 - Keratin type II cytoskeletal 6A Cytokeratin-6A CK 6A K6a keratin . KRT6A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00302270 - Integrin alpha-X precursor Leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein p150 95 alpha chain Leukocyte adhesion receptor p150 95 Leu M5 CD11c antigen . ITGAX (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00302434 - Huntingtin-associated protein 1 HAP-1 Neuroan 1 . HAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00302647 - Coiled-coil and C2 domain-containing protein 1A Five repressor element under dual repression-binding protein 1 FRE under dual repression-binding protein 1 Freud-1 Putative NF-kappa-B- activating protein 023N . CC2D1A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00303152 - collagen type XXII alpha 1 COL22A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00303161 - Endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule precursor. ESAM (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00303174 - Homogentisate 1 2-dioxygenase EC Homogentisicase Homogentisate oxygenase Homogentisic acid oxidase . HGD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00303482 - Fibrinogen-like protein 1 precursor Hepatocyte-derived fibrinogen- related protein 1 HFREP-1 Hepassocin HP-041 . FGL1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00304273 - Apolipoprotein A-IV precursor Apo-AIV ApoA-IV . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00304557 - Short palate lung and nasal epithelium carcinoma-associated protein 2 precursor Parotid secretory protein PSP . C20orf70 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00304962 - Collagen alpha-2 I chain precursor Alpha-2 type I collagen . COL1A2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00305064 - CD44 antigen precursor Phagocytic glycoprotein I PGP-1 HUTCH-I Extracellular matrix receptor-III ECMR-III GP90 lymphocyte homing adhesion receptor Hermes antigen Hyaluronate receptor Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Epican CDw44 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00305912 - Transmembrane protein 176A Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 112 . TMEM176A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00306301 - Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit somatic form mitochondrial precursor EC PDHE1-A type I . PDHA1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00306322 - Collagen alpha-2 IV chain precursor . COL4A2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00306436 - Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 Acute-phase response factor . STAT3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00306835 - Fukutin EC 2.-.-.- Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy protein . FCMD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00306960 - Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Asparagine-- tRNA ligase AsnRS . NARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00307017 - Leucyl-cystinyl aminopeptidase EC Cystinyl aminopeptidase Oxytocinase OTase Insulin-regulated membrane aminopeptidase Insulin-responsive aminopeptidase IRAP Placental leucine aminopeptidase P-LAP LNPEP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00307092 - Lysyl-tRNA synthetase EC Lysine--tRNA ligase LysRS . KARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00328200 - Glutamine-rich protein 1. QRICH1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00328703 - Out at first protein homolog precursor HCV NS5A-transactivated protein 13 target protein 2 . OAF (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00329573 - Collagen alpha-1 XII chain precursor. COL12A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00329719 - Myosin-Id. MYO1D (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00329801 - Annexin A5 Annexin-5 Annexin V Lipocortin V Endonexin II Calphobindin I CBP-I Placental anticoagulant protein I PAP-I PP4 Thromboplastin inhibitor Vascular anticoagulant-alpha VAC- alpha Anchorin CII . ANXA5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00333405 - fer-1-like 6 FER1L6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00334190 - Stomatin-like protein 2 SLP-2 EPB72-like 2 . STOML2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00334282 - Protein FAM3C precursor Protein GS3786 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00337335 - Myosin-14 Myosin heavy chain 14 Myosin heavy chain nonmuscle IIc Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIc NMHC II-C . MYH14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00337414 - prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha III subunit precursor P4HA3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00337454 - Troponin T fast skeletal muscle TnTf Fast skeletal muscle troponin T fTnT Beta TnTF . TNNT3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00337648 - Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 13 EC Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1E PTP-E1 hPTPE1 PTP-BAS Protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTPL1 Fas-associated protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1 FAP-1 . PTPN13 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00339263 - Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 1 precursor EC Gamma- glutamyltransferase 1 GGT 1 CD224 antigen . GGT1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00375220 - Nance-Horan syndrome protein Congenital cataracts and dental anomalies protein . NHS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00375304 - CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-poly-alpha-2 8-sialyltransferase EC 2.4.99.- Alpha-2 8-sialyltransferase 8D ST8Sia IV Polysialyltransferase- 1 . ST8SIA4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00375668 - Serpin B8 Cytoplasmic antiproteinase 2 CAP-2 CAP2 Proteinase inhibitor 8 . SERPINB8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00376217 - selectin ligand interactor cytoplasmic-1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00376344 - Myosin-Ib Myosin I alpha MMI-alpha MMIa MYH-1c . MYO1B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00376833 - Mitochondrial carrier triple repeat protein 6. MCART6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00382470 - Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha HSP 86 Renal carcinoma antigen NY- REN-38 . HSP90AA1 HSP90AA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00382746 - Aldose 1-epimerase EC Galactose mutarotase . GALM (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00382843 - Major prion protein precursor PrP PrP27-30 PrP33-35C ASCR CD230 antigen . PRNP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00382869 - Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase FPP synthetase FPS Farnesyl diphosphate synthetase . FDPS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00383111 - Keratin type I cytoskeletal 10 Cytokeratin-10 CK-10 Keratin-10 K10 . KRT10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00383359 - Gastricsin precursor EC Pepsinogen C . PGC (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00384032 - EH domain-containing protein 4 Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein 10 11 . EHD4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00384051 - Proteasome activator complex subunit 2 Proteasome activator 28- subunit beta PA28beta PA28b Activator of multicatalytic protease subunit 2 11S regulator complex subunit beta REG-beta . PSME2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00384503 - Probable glutamyl-tRNA synthetase mitochondrial precursor EC Glutamate--tRNA ligase GluRS . EARS2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00384577 - Cytosolic phospholipase A2 delta EC cPLA2-delta Phospholipase A2 group IVD . PLA2G4D (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00384749 - Nervous system abundant protein 11. (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00384981 - TCDD-inducible poly polymerase EC Poly polymerase 7 PARP-7 . TIPARP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00385034 - Na + H + exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF2 NHERF-2 Tyrosine kinase activator protein 1 TKA-1 SRY-interacting protein 1 SIP- 1 Solute carrier family 9 isoform A3 regulatory factor 2 NHE3 kinase A regulatory protein E3KARP Sodium-hydroge SLC9A3R2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00385035 - Neural cell adhesion molecule 1 140 kDa isoform precursor N-CAM 140 NCAM-140 CD56 antigen . NCAM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00385746 - Methionyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Methionine--tRNA ligase MetRS . MARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00385751 - Tissue alpha-L-fucosidase precursor EC Alpha-L-fucosidase I Alpha-L-fucoside fucohydrolase . FUCA1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00386438 - Keratin type II cytoskeletal 6E Cytokeratin-6E CK 6E K6e keratin Keratin K6h . KRT6C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00394815 - round spermatid basic protein 1-like RSBN1L (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00395354 - Fc receptor-like 3 precursor FCRL3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00395826 - Serine protease hepsin EC Transmembrane protease serine 1 . HPN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00396185 - corneal wound healing-related protein MAK10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00396391 - Carboxypeptidase Z precursor EC 3.4.17.- CPZ . CPZ (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00397168 - Calcipressin-1 Down syndrome critical region protein 1 Myocyte- enriched calcineurin-interacting protein 1 MCIP1 Adapt78 . RCAN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00397526 - Myosin-10 Myosin heavy chain 10 Myosin heavy chain nonmuscle IIb Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIb NMMHC II-b NMMHC-IIB Cellular myosin heavy chain type B Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain-B NMMHC- B . MYH10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00400826 - Clusterin precursor Complement-associated protein SP-40 40 Complement cytolysis inhibitor CLI NA1 NA2 Apolipoprotein J Apo-J Testosterone-repressed prostate message 2 TRPM-2 CLU (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00402750 - AT-hook-containing transcription factor 1 Embryonic large molecule derived from yolk sac . AHCTF1 AHCTF1P (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00409684 - Nck-associated protein 1 NAP 1 p125Nap1 Membrane-associated protein HEM-2 . NCKAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00411901 - Discs large homolog 5 Placenta and prostate DLG Discs large protein P-dlg . DLG5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00412147 - Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 4 EC 6.2.1.- Fatty acid transport protein 4 FATP-4 Solute carrier family 27 member 4 . SLC27A4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00412546 - Complement receptor type 1 precursor C3b C4b receptor CD35 antigen . CR1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00412694 - Transmembrane protein 16E Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia 1 protein . TMEM16E (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00412752 - Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 Acute-phase response factor . STAT3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00412771 - CD2-associated protein Cas ligand with multiple SH3 domains Adapter protein CMS . CD2AP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00412988 - Netrin-G1 precursor Laminet-1 . NTNG1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00413451 - Serpin B6 Placental thrombin inhibitor Cytoplasmic antiproteinase CAP Proteinase inhibitor 6 PI-6 . SERPINB6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00413641 - Aldose reductase EC AR Aldehyde reductase . AKR1B1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00413669 - Suppressor of hairy wing homolog 4. SUHW4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00413781 - Stromal cell-derived factor 1 precursor SDF-1 CXCL12 Pre-B cell growth-stimulating factor PBSF hIRH . CXCL12 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00414253 - Clusterin-like protein 1 precursor Retinal-specific clusterin-like protein . CLUL1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00414320 - Annexin A11 Annexin-11 Annexin XI Calcyclin-associated annexin 50 CAP-50 56 kDa autoantigen . ANXA11 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00414694 - Collagen alpha-1 XVIII chain precursor . COL18A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00414717 - Golgi apparatus protein 1 precursor Golgi sialoglycoprotein MG-160 E-selectin ligand 1 ESL-1 Cysteine-rich fibroblast growth factor receptor CFR-1 . GLG1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00419916 - Alkaline phosphatase tissue-nonspecific isozyme precursor EC AP-TNAP TNSALP Alkaline phosphatase liver bone kidney isozyme . ALPL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00420108 - Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase component of 2- oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex mitochondrial precursor EC Dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase component of 2- oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex E2 E2K . DLST DLSTP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00423436 - UHRF1-binding protein 1 Ubiquitin-like containing PHD and RING finger domains 1-binding protein 1 ICBP90-binding protein 1 . C6orf107 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00430079 - PHD finger protein 8. PHF8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00434580 - Myomesin-1 190 kDa titin-associated protein 190 kDa connectin- associated protein . MYOM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00438855 - Interleukin-12 receptor beta-2 chain precursor IL-12 receptor beta-2 IL-12R-beta2 . IL12RB2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00440704 - selectin ligand interactor cytoplasmic-1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00441079 - solute carrier family 5 sodium glucose cotransporter member 10 isoform 2 SLC5A10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00444513 - Glutamate decarboxylase 2 EC Glutamate decarboxylase 65 kDa isoform GAD-65 65 kDa glutamic acid decarboxylase . GAD2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00448904 - Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 precursor LRP Alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor A2MR Apolipoprotein E receptor APOER CD91 antigen . LRP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00452161 - Mucolipin-1 Mucolipidin MG-2 . MCOLN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00455148 - ADP ATP translocase 3 Adenine nucleotide translocator 2 ANT 3 ADP ATP carrier protein 3 Solute carrier family 25 member 6 ADP ATP carrier protein isoform T2 . SLC25A6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00456601 - Synaptopodin 2-like protein. SYNPO2L (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00456620 - Peregrin Bromodomain and PHD finger-containing protein 1 BR140 protein . BRPF1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00457232 - Suppressor of hairy wing homolog 4. SUHW4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00465084 - Desmin. DES (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00465273 - UHRF1-binding protein 1 Ubiquitin-like containing PHD and RING finger domains 1-binding protein 1 ICBP90-binding protein 1 . C6orf107 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00470722 - Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule precursor PECAM-1 EndoCAM GPIIA' CD31 antigen . PECAM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00471951 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00471955 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00471986 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472013 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472073 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472130 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-8 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*8 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472138 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472151 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472162 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472210 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472222 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472282 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472284 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472402 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472416 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472434 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472448 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472456 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472458 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472605 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472652 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472767 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472800 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-8 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*8 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472825 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472855 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472882 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472903 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00472921 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00473006 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00473068 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-8 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*8 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00473131 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00477059 - T-cell receptor beta V gene segment TRBV5-1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00477088 - Lipopolysaccharide-responsive and beige-like anchor protein CDC4-like protein Beige-like protein . LRBA (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00477231 - Bifunctional protein NCOAT Nuclear cytoplasmic O-GlcNAcase and acetyltransferase Meningioma-expressed antigen 5 MGEA5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00477719 - Calnexin precursor Major histocompatibility complex class I antigen- binding protein p88 p90 IP90 . CANX (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00477950 - Collagen alpha-2 IV chain precursor . COL4A2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00477992 - Complement C1q subcomponent subunit B precursor. C1QB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00478248 - Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase family member 1 E- NPP 1 Phosphodiesterase I nucleotide pyrophosphatase 1 Plasma-cell membrane glycoprotein PC-1 ENPP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00478478 - Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 6 EC NTPDase 6 CD39 antigen-like 2 . ENTPD6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00478493 - Haptoglobin precursor . HP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00478910 - Inversin Inversion of embryo turning homolog Nephrocystin-2 . INVS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00479145 - Keratin type I cytoskeletal 19 Cytokeratin-19 CK-19 Keratin-19 K19 . KRT19 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00479203 - Netrin-G1 precursor Laminet-1 . NTNG1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00479217 - Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U hnRNP U Scaffold attachment factor A SAF-A p120 pp120 . HNRNPU (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00479242 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-8 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*8 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00479253 - Interleukin-12 receptor beta-2 chain precursor IL-12 receptor beta-2 IL-12R-beta2 . IL12RB2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00479309 - Collagen alpha-1 XVIII chain precursor . COL18A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00479403 - Keratin type II cytoskeletal 6A Cytokeratin-6A CK 6A K6a keratin . KRT6A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00480187 - PHD finger protein 8. PHF8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00550069 - Ribonuclease inhibitor Ribonuclease angiogenin inhibitor 1 RAI Placental ribonuclease inhibitor RNase inhibitor RI . RNH1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00550115 - Acid sphingomyelinase-like phosphodiesterase 3b precursor EC 3.1.4.- ASM-like phosphodiesterase 3b . SMPDL3B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00550991 - Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin precursor ACT . SERPINA3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00552207 - Renin precursor EC Angiotensinogenase . REN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00552450 - Opioid-binding protein cell adhesion molecule precursor OBCAM Opioid-binding cell adhesion molecule OPCML . OPCML (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00555623 - POU domain class 2 transcription factor 1 Octamer-binding transcription factor 1 Oct-1 OTF-1 NF-A1 . POU2F1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00555978 - SH3 adapter protein SPIN90 NCK-interacting protein with SH3 domain SH3 protein interacting with Nck 90 kDa VacA-interacting protein 54 kDa VIP54 AF3p21 Diaphanous protein-interacting protein Dia-interacting protein 1 DIP-1 . NCKIPSD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00556036 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ITI heavy chain H4 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein IHRP Plasma kallikrein sensitive glycoprotein 120 PK-120 GP120 ITIH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00556258 - Aldose reductase EC AR Aldehyde reductase . AKR1B1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00556305 - Carboxypeptidase Z precursor EC 3.4.17.- CPZ . CPZ (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00604523 - Myosin regulatory light chain 2 nonsarcomeric Myosin RLC . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00604607 - Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha HSP 86 Renal carcinoma antigen NY- REN-38 . HSP90AA1 HSP90AA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00604707 - Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex mitochondrial precursor EC Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E2 subunit PDCE2 E2 Dihydrolipoamide S- acetyltransferase component of pyruvate dehydrog DLAT (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00607576 - Uncharacterized protein C9orf5 Protein CG-2 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00619902 - ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 3 ATP-binding cassette transporter 3 ATP-binding cassette 3 ABC-C transporter . ABCA3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640044 - Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III-A precursor IgG Fc receptor III-2 Fc-gamma RIII-alpha Fc-gamma RIIIa FcRIIIa Fc-gamma RIII FcRIII FcR-10 CD16a antigen . FCGR3A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640106 - Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U hnRNP U Scaffold attachment factor A SAF-A p120 pp120 . HNRNPU (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640177 - POU domain class 2 transcription factor 1 Octamer-binding transcription factor 1 Oct-1 OTF-1 NF-A1 . POU2F1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640271 - Uromodulin precursor Tamm-Horsfall urinary glycoprotein THP . UMOD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640411 - Homogentisate 1 2-dioxygenase EC Homogentisicase Homogentisate oxygenase Homogentisic acid oxidase . HGD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640416 - Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein A VAMP- associated protein A VAMP-A VAP-A 33 kDa Vamp-associated protein VAP-33 . VAPA (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640533 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640766 - CpG-binding protein PHD finger and CXXC domain-containing protein 1 CXXC-type zinc finger protein 1 . CXXC1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00640858 - Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule-like protein 1 precursor Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 2 . DSCAML1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641026 - CpG-binding protein PHD finger and CXXC domain-containing protein 1 CXXC-type zinc finger protein 1 . CXXC1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641128 - Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2 cytoplasmic EC Serine-dependent phospholipase A2 HSD-PLA2 . PAFAH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641153 - Golgi apparatus protein 1 precursor Golgi sialoglycoprotein MG-160 E-selectin ligand 1 ESL-1 Cysteine-rich fibroblast growth factor receptor CFR-1 . GLG1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641386 - Integrin alpha-X precursor Leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein p150 95 alpha chain Leukocyte adhesion receptor p150 95 Leu M5 CD11c antigen . ITGAX (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641429 - Aquaporin-7 AQP-7 Aquaporin-7-like Aquaporin adipose AQPap . AQP7 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641837 - Solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 1 Glucose transporter type 1 erythrocyte brain GLUT-1 HepG2 glucose transporter . SLC2A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641881 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00641946 - Claudin-10 OSP-like protein . CLDN10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642052 - Fc receptor-like and mucin-like 2 FCRLB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642198 - Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2 cytoplasmic EC Serine-dependent phospholipase A2 HSD-PLA2 . PAFAH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642219 - Integrin beta-1 precursor Fibronectin receptor subunit beta Integrin VLA-4 subunit beta CD29 antigen . ITGB1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642409 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-7 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*7 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642414 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642578 - Collagen alpha-1 X chain precursor. COL10A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642780 - Myosin regulatory light chain 2 nonsarcomeric Myosin RLC . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642820 - Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit somatic form mitochondrial precursor EC PDHE1-A type I . PDHA1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00642883 - Collagen alpha-1 X chain precursor. COL10A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643193 - Multidrug resistance-associated protein 7 ATP-binding cassette sub- family C member 10 . ABCC10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643202 - Serpin B12. SERPINB12 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643348 - Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein precursor COMP . COMP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643567 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643575 - Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit somatic form mitochondrial precursor EC PDHE1-A type I . PDHA1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643699 - CpG-binding protein PHD finger and CXXC domain-containing protein 1 CXXC-type zinc finger protein 1 . CXXC1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643738 - Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 6 EC NTPDase 6 CD39 antigen-like 2 . ENTPD6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643764 - Alkaline phosphatase tissue-nonspecific isozyme precursor EC AP-TNAP TNSALP Alkaline phosphatase liver bone kidney isozyme . ALPL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643900 - Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Asparagine-- tRNA ligase AsnRS . NARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643901 - Cubilin precursor Intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor Intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 receptor 460 kDa receptor Intestinal intrinsic factor receptor . CUBN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00643948 - Complement C1q subcomponent subunit B precursor. C1QB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644079 - Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U hnRNP U Scaffold attachment factor A SAF-A p120 pp120 . HNRNPU (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644109 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644156 - Myosin regulatory light chain 2 nonsarcomeric Myosin RLC . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644163 - Ciliary dynein heavy chain 8 Axonemal beta dynein heavy chain 8 . DNAH8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644179 - Annexin A11 Annexin-11 Annexin XI Calcyclin-associated annexin 50 CAP-50 56 kDa autoantigen . ANXA11 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644346 - ADAMTS-like protein 2 precursor ADAMTSL-2 . ADAMTSL2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644589 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644631 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644635 - Myomesin-1 190 kDa titin-associated protein 190 kDa connectin- associated protein . MYOM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00644697 - Heme-binding protein 2 Protein SOUL Placental protein 23 PP23 . HEBP2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645104 - Complement receptor type 1 precursor C3b C4b receptor CD35 antigen . CR1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645194 - Integrin beta-1 precursor Fibronectin receptor subunit beta Integrin VLA-4 subunit beta CD29 antigen . ITGB1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645361 - Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 1 mitochondrial precursor EC Cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV isoform 1 COX IV-1 Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide IV . COX4I1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645646 - ADP ATP translocase 3 Adenine nucleotide translocator 2 ANT 3 ADP ATP carrier protein 3 Solute carrier family 25 member 6 ADP ATP carrier protein isoform T2 . SLC25A6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645813 - Aquaporin-7 AQP-7 Aquaporin-7-like Aquaporin adipose AQPap . AQP7 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645821 - NG NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 EC Dimethylargininase-2 Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 DDAHII DDAH-2 S-phase protein Protein G6a . DDAH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645905 - Integrin beta-1 precursor Fibronectin receptor subunit beta Integrin VLA-4 subunit beta CD29 antigen . ITGB1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645913 - PHD finger protein 8. PHF8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00645946 - Fukutin EC 2.-.-.- Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy protein . FCMD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646083 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646196 - Myomesin-1 190 kDa titin-associated protein 190 kDa connectin- associated protein . MYOM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646225 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646269 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646524 - NG NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 EC Dimethylargininase-2 Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 DDAHII DDAH-2 S-phase protein Protein G6a . DDAH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646557 - Brain mitochondrial carrier protein 1 BMCP-1 Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 5 UCP 5 Solute carrier family 25 member 14 . SLC25A14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646635 - Myomesin-1 190 kDa titin-associated protein 190 kDa connectin- associated protein . MYOM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646656 - Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Asparagine-- tRNA ligase AsnRS . NARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00646869 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00647020 - Myomesin-1 190 kDa titin-associated protein 190 kDa connectin- associated protein . MYOM1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00647145 - Golgi apparatus protein 1 precursor Golgi sialoglycoprotein MG-160 E-selectin ligand 1 ESL-1 Cysteine-rich fibroblast growth factor receptor CFR-1 . GLG1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00647188 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00647351 - Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 CAP 1 . CAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00647634 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00647678 - Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Asparagine-- tRNA ligase AsnRS . NARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00647738 - Annexin A11 Annexin-11 Annexin XI Calcyclin-associated annexin 50 CAP-50 56 kDa autoantigen . ANXA11 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00651697 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00654689 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00655604 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00657670 - Apolipoprotein C-III precursor Apo-CIII ApoC-III . APOC3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00657715 - Apolipoprotein C-III precursor Apo-CIII ApoC-III . APOC3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00657752 - CD81 antigen 26 kDa cell surface protein TAPA-1 Target of the antiproliferative antibody 1 Tetraspanin-28 Tspan-28 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00657915 - EH domain-containing protein 1 Testilin hPAST1 . EHD1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00658045 - Proton myo-inositol cotransporter H + -myo-inositol cotransporter Hmit . SLC2A13 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00718924 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00735713 - IgGFc-binding protein precursor FcgammaBP Fcgamma-binding protein antigen . FCGBP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00736637 - Suppressor of hairy wing homolog 4. SUHW4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00737614 - ADAMTS-like protein 2 precursor ADAMTSL-2 . ADAMTSL2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00738873 - Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III-A precursor IgG Fc receptor III-2 Fc-gamma RIII-alpha Fc-gamma RIIIa FcRIIIa Fc-gamma RIII FcRIII FcR-10 CD16a antigen . FCGR3A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00740123 - Alstrom syndrome protein 1. ALMS1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00740355 - IgGFc-binding protein precursor FcgammaBP Fcgamma-binding protein antigen . FCGBP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00740909 - Alstrom syndrome protein 1. ALMS1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743117 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743302 - Intercellular adhesion molecule 5 precursor ICAM-5 Telencephalin . ICAM5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743335 - Myosin-Ic Myosin I beta MMI-beta MMIb . MYO1C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743351 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743359 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743503 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743696 - Collagen alpha-1 IV chain precursor Arresten . COL4A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743716 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743857 - Myosin-11 Myosin heavy chain 11 Myosin heavy chain smooth muscle isoform SMMHC . MYH11 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00743934 - Fibrinogen-like protein 1 precursor Hepatocyte-derived fibrinogen- related protein 1 HFREP-1 Hepassocin HP-041 . FGL1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00744123 - PHD finger protein 8. PHF8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00744509 - Solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 2 Glucose transporter type 2 liver GLUT-2 . SLC2A2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00744654 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00744689 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00744702 - Protein FAM125A CIN85 CD2AP family-binding protein . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00745220 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00745649 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00746105 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00746205 - Proteasome activator complex subunit 2 Proteasome activator 28- subunit beta PA28beta PA28b Activator of multicatalytic protease subunit 2 11S regulator complex subunit beta REG-beta . PSME2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00746605 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00747198 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00747450 - Heme oxygenase 1 EC HO-1 . HMOX1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00747654 - titin isoform novex-3 TTN (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00748189 - Protein UNQ773 PRO1567 precursor. (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00748343 - Multidrug resistance-associated protein 6 ATP-binding cassette sub- family C member 6 Anthracycline resistance-associated protein Multi-specific organic anion transporter-E MOAT-E . ABCC6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00748566 - Suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 SOCS-6 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 4 SOCS-4 Cytokine-inducible SH2 protein 4 CIS-4 . SOCS6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00749025 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00749074 - EH domain-containing protein 3. EHD3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00749398 - Serpin B6 Placental thrombin inhibitor Cytoplasmic antiproteinase CAP Proteinase inhibitor 6 PI-6 . SERPINB6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00759686 - Coiled-coil and C2 domain-containing protein 1A Five repressor element under dual repression-binding protein 1 FRE under dual repression-binding protein 1 Freud-1 Putative NF-kappa-B- activating protein 023N . CC2D1A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00759723 - Arginyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Arginine--tRNA ligase ArgRS . RARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00760554 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00760855 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ITI heavy chain H4 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein IHRP Plasma kallikrein sensitive glycoprotein 120 PK-120 GP120 ITIH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00783169 - Coagulation factor XII precursor EC Hageman factor HAF . F12 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00783491 - Ribonuclease inhibitor Ribonuclease angiogenin inhibitor 1 RAI Placental ribonuclease inhibitor RNase inhibitor RI . RNH1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00783931 - Collagen alpha-1 XVIII chain precursor . COL18A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784131 - Alanyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Alanine--tRNA ligase AlaRS Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-42 . AARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784142 - Collagen alpha-1 XV chain precursor . COL15A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784158 - actinin alpha 3 ACTN3 mRNA ACTN3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784249 - Cytosolic phospholipase A2 delta EC cPLA2-delta Phospholipase A2 group IVD . PLA2G4D (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784295 - Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha HSP 86 Renal carcinoma antigen NY- REN-38 . HSP90AA1 HSP90AA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784414 - Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 Acute-phase response factor . STAT3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784451 - Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2 TrpV2 osm-9-like TRP channel 2 OTRPC2 Vanilloid receptor-like protein 1 VRL-1 . TRPV2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00784522 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00786841 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-8 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*8 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00786880 - Myosin-XVB Unconventional myosin-15B Myosin XVBP . MYO15B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00786935 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00787286 - Complement receptor type 1 precursor C3b C4b receptor CD35 antigen . CR1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00788138 - Nuclear transport factor 2 NTF-2 Placental protein 15 PP15 . NUTF2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00788162 - Protein FAM125A CIN85 CD2AP family-binding protein . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00788678 - Myosin-15 Myosin heavy chain 15 . MYH15 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00789161 - Contactin-1 precursor Neural cell surface protein F3 Glycoprotein gp135 . CNTN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00789261 - Methionyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Methionine--tRNA ligase MetRS . MARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00789284 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ITI heavy chain H4 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein IHRP Plasma kallikrein sensitive glycoprotein 120 PK-120 GP120 ITIH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00789302 - Serpin B12. SERPINB12 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00789847 - Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha HSP 86 Renal carcinoma antigen NY- REN-38 . HSP90AA1 HSP90AA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00789865 - Methionyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Methionine--tRNA ligase MetRS . MARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00789887 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-26 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*26 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00790112 - Serpin B8 Cytoplasmic antiproteinase 2 CAP-2 CAP2 Proteinase inhibitor 8 . SERPINB8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00790191 - Keratin type I cytoskeletal 19 Cytokeratin-19 CK-19 Keratin-19 K19 . KRT19 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00790458 - ADAMTS-like protein 2 precursor ADAMTSL-2 . ADAMTSL2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00790993 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ITI heavy chain H4 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein IHRP Plasma kallikrein sensitive glycoprotein 120 PK-120 GP120 ITIH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00790999 - Interleukin-18 precursor IL-18 Interferon-gamma-inducing factor IFN-gamma-inducing factor Interleukin-1 gamma IL-1 gamma Iboctadekin . IL18 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00791026 - Myosin-Ic Myosin I beta MMI-beta MMIb . MYO1C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00791466 - Glutamine-rich protein 1. QRICH1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00791803 - Cartilage intermediate layer protein 1 precursor CILP-1 Cartilage intermediate-layer protein . CILP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00792205 - Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule-like protein 1 precursor Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 2 . DSCAML1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00792207 - Aldehyde dehydrogenase mitochondrial precursor EC ALDH class 2 ALDHI ALDH-E2 . ALDH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00792437 - Huntingtin-associated protein 1 HAP-1 Neuroan 1 . HAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00792561 - Myosin-10 Myosin heavy chain 10 Myosin heavy chain nonmuscle IIb Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIb NMMHC II-b NMMHC-IIB Cellular myosin heavy chain type B Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain-B NMMHC- B . MYH10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00792566 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00792878 - Methionyl-tRNA synthetase cytoplasmic EC Methionine--tRNA ligase MetRS . MARS (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00792949 - Uncharacterized protein C14orf135 precursor Hepatitis C virus F protein-binding protein 2 HCV F protein-binding protein 2 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00793166 - SPARC-like protein 1 precursor High endothelial venule protein Hevin MAST 9 . SPARCL1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00793284 - Myosin-Ib Myosin I alpha MMI-alpha MMIa MYH-1c . MYO1B (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00793307 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DM alpha chain precursor MHC class II antigen DMA . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00793664 - Fumarylacetoacetase EC Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase Beta-diketonase FAA . FAH (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00793848 - Clusterin precursor Complement-associated protein SP-40 40 Complement cytolysis inhibitor CLI NA1 NA2 Apolipoprotein J Apo-J Testosterone-repressed prostate message 2 TRPM-2 CLU (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00793975 - Serpin B8 Cytoplasmic antiproteinase 2 CAP-2 CAP2 Proteinase inhibitor 8 . SERPINB8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00794006 - Mitochondrial carrier homolog 2 Met-induced mitochondrial protein . MTCH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00794081 - Cystatin-A Stefin-A Cystatin-AS . CSTA (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00794155 - Insulin receptor precursor EC IR CD220 antigen . INSR (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00794247 - Fumarylacetoacetase EC Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase Beta-diketonase FAA . FAH (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00794378 - Serpin B8 Cytoplasmic antiproteinase 2 CAP-2 CAP2 Proteinase inhibitor 8 . SERPINB8 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00794493 - Collagen alpha-1 VII chain precursor Long-chain collagen LC collagen . COL7A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00794675 - Homogentisate 1 2-dioxygenase EC Homogentisicase Homogentisate oxygenase Homogentisic acid oxidase . HGD (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00795056 - Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 28 homolog H-Vps28 . VPS28 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00795108 - Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha HSP 86 Renal carcinoma antigen NY- REN-38 . HSP90AA1 HSP90AA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00795118 - Collagen alpha-1 VII chain precursor Long-chain collagen LC collagen . COL7A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00795429 - Placental protein 11 precursor EC 3.4.21.- PP11 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00795633 - Clusterin precursor Complement-associated protein SP-40 40 Complement cytolysis inhibitor CLI NA1 NA2 Apolipoprotein J Apo-J Testosterone-repressed prostate message 2 TRPM-2 CLU (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00795916 - Myotubularin-related protein 14 precursor HCV NS5A-transactivated protein 4 splice variant A-binding protein 1 NS5ATP4ABP1 . MTMR14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796110 - TCDD-inducible poly polymerase EC Poly polymerase 7 PARP-7 . TIPARP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796221 - Multidrug resistance-associated protein 7 ATP-binding cassette sub- family C member 10 . ABCC10 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796330 - Keratin type II cytoskeletal 6A Cytokeratin-6A CK 6A K6a keratin . KRT6A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796501 - Myotubularin-related protein 14 precursor HCV NS5A-transactivated protein 4 splice variant A-binding protein 1 NS5ATP4ABP1 . MTMR14 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796645 - TCDD-inducible poly polymerase EC Poly polymerase 7 PARP-7 . TIPARP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796784 - Peregrin Bromodomain and PHD finger-containing protein 1 BR140 protein . BRPF1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796806 - Suppressor of hairy wing homolog 4. SUHW4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796844 - Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha HSP 86 Renal carcinoma antigen NY- REN-38 . HSP90AA1 HSP90AA2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00796962 - Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2 TrpV2 osm-9-like TRP channel 2 OTRPC2 Vanilloid receptor-like protein 1 VRL-1 . TRPV2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00797462 - NG NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 EC Dimethylargininase-2 Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 DDAHII DDAH-2 S-phase protein Protein G6a . DDAH2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00797546 - Apolipoprotein O precursor Protein FAM121B . APOO (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00797603 - Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 1 PRPP synthetase-associated protein 1 39 kDa phosphoribosypyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein PAP39 . PRPSAP1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00797628 - TCDD-inducible poly polymerase EC Poly polymerase 7 PARP-7 . TIPARP (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00797709 - Coronin-1C Coronin-3 hCRNN4 . CORO1C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00798006 - Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 precursor ITI heavy chain H4 Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein IHRP Plasma kallikrein sensitive glycoprotein 120 PK-120 GP120 ITIH4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00798069 - CD44 antigen precursor Phagocytic glycoprotein I PGP-1 HUTCH-I Extracellular matrix receptor-III ECMR-III GP90 lymphocyte homing adhesion receptor Hermes antigen Hyaluronate receptor Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Epican CDw44 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00798351 - Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit beta mitochondrial precursor EC PDHE1-B . PDHB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00798401 - Coronin-1C Coronin-3 hCRNN4 . CORO1C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00798425 - Contactin-1 precursor Neural cell surface protein F3 Glycoprotein gp135 . CNTN1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00815882 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00815905 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00816065 - Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit somatic form mitochondrial precursor EC PDHE1-A type I . PDHA1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00816452 - Myosin-VI Unconventional myosin VI . MYO6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00816461 - Myosin-VI Unconventional myosin VI . MYO6 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00816741 - Complement C5 precursor . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00827555 - CD44 antigen precursor Phagocytic glycoprotein I PGP-1 HUTCH-I Extracellular matrix receptor-III ECMR-III GP90 lymphocyte homing adhesion receptor Hermes antigen Hyaluronate receptor Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Epican CDw44 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00827558 - Collagen alpha-1 XII chain precursor. COL12A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00828108 - CD44 antigen precursor Phagocytic glycoprotein I PGP-1 HUTCH-I Extracellular matrix receptor-III ECMR-III GP90 lymphocyte homing adhesion receptor Hermes antigen Hyaluronate receptor Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Epican CDw44 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00828117 - CD44 antigen precursor Phagocytic glycoprotein I PGP-1 HUTCH-I Extracellular matrix receptor-III ECMR-III GP90 lymphocyte homing adhesion receptor Hermes antigen Hyaluronate receptor Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Epican CDw44 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00829909 - Myoferlin Fer-1-like protein 3 . FER1L3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00829992 - Myosin-Ic Myosin I beta MMI-beta MMIb . MYO1C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00830037 - Myoferlin Fer-1-like protein 3 . FER1L3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00830075 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00843886 - Apolipoprotein O precursor Protein FAM121B . APOO (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00844312 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00844475 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00844487 - Lithostathine 1 alpha precursor Pancreatic stone protein PSP Pancreatic thread protein PTP Islet of Langerhans regenerating protein REG Regenerating protein I alpha Islet cells regeneration factor ICRF . REG1A REG1B REGL (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00847208 - Suppressor of hairy wing homolog 4. SUHW4 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00847320 - Myoferlin Fer-1-like protein 3 . FER1L3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00847550 - PHD finger protein 3. PHF3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00847562 - Protein G7c precursor. C6orf27 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00847635 - Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin precursor ACT . SERPINA3 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00847732 - Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase eta precursor EC Protein-tyrosine phosphatase eta R-PTP-eta HPTP eta Protein- tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J Density-enhanced phosphatase 1 DEP-1 CD148 antigen . PTPRJ (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00848316 - Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase EC GPI Phosphoglucose isomerase PGI Phosphohexose isomerase PHI Neuroleukin NLK Sperm antigen 36 SA-36 . GPI (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00852708 - HBxAg transactivated protein 2 BAT2D1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00852880 - Synaptopodin 2-like protein. SYNPO2L (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00852916 - HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DM beta chain precursor MHC class II antigen DMB . HLA-DMB (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00852957 - EH domain-containing protein 1 Testilin hPAST1 . EHD1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00853038 - EH domain-containing protein 1 Testilin hPAST1 . EHD1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00853100 - EH domain-containing protein 1 Testilin hPAST1 . EHD1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00853165 - EH domain-containing protein 1 Testilin hPAST1 . EHD1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00853281 - Collagen alpha-1 XI chain precursor. COL11A1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00853300 - Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III-A precursor IgG Fc receptor III-2 Fc-gamma RIII-alpha Fc-gamma RIIIa FcRIIIa Fc-gamma RIII FcRIII FcR-10 CD16a antigen . FCGR3A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00853342 - Collagen alpha-2 IV chain precursor . COL4A2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00853533 - Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III-A precursor IgG Fc receptor III-2 Fc-gamma RIII-alpha Fc-gamma RIIIa FcRIIIa Fc-gamma RIII FcRIII FcR-10 CD16a antigen . FCGR3A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854565 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854571 - Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homolog. HYDIN HYDIN2 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854591 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen B-18 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen B*18 . (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854639 - Alstrom syndrome protein 1. ALMS1 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854738 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854821 - Discs large homolog 5 Placenta and prostate DLG Discs large protein P-dlg . DLG5 (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854852 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854854 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen A-3 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen A*3 . HLA-A (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854855 - HLA class I histocompatibility antigen Cw-5 alpha chain precursor MHC class I antigen Cw*5 . HLA-C (1 disease found)
 +  IPI00854862 - Discs large homolog 5 Placenta and prostate DLG Discs large protein P-dlg . DLG5 (1 disease found)